Seaweed Farm Tour
Where are you now?
You are in the wonderful country of Belize where Seaweed farming takes place off the coast of Placencia at Little Water Caye, indicated by the arrow.

What is Seaweed
A variety of marine plants and algae are known as “seaweeds”, even though they share no relation to actual weeds. Seaweeds range in size from microscopic organisms to the giant kelp forests found off the coast of California.
The variety of seaweed grown and harvested in Belize is known as “Belize Gold.”
In response to dwindling fish stocks and a need for alternative incomes, Placencia Producers Cooperative Society Limited (PPCSL), local fishers, tour guides, and community members worked together to establish 43 seaweed farms in the areas off Placencia.
The community hit a gold mine when they realized the positive benefits that seaweed farming could provide their community above and below the water.
As an alternative to fishing, seaweed farming provides a local food source and income for many community members.
- Thought to be a superfood, it is used in a variety of recipes, such as smoothies.
- Full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, seaweed also contains anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties.
- Seaweed is also utilized in cosmetic products, soaps, and lotions.
While seaweed is beneficial for human health, it is even more beneficial to ocean ecosystems.
- Seaweed farming relieves the pressure of fishing and allows overfished species the chance to rebound.
- The farms provide habitat and protection for a variety of marine species, including juvenile snappers, spiny lobsters, and parrotfish that will grow and later become part of the rebounding fish stocks